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A Green Designer’s Short-Term Goals After Graduation


First and foremost, I’m earnestly seeking to secure my first full-time design role. My short term objective is to put the skills I’ve cultivated during my academic journey to practical use. Whether it’s within an agency or an in-house , I’m ready to learn and collaborate in a team.

I want diversify my body of work, embracing an array of design disciplines, from web and branding to print materials that aren’t self-initiated or school projects. I would love the opportunity to work somewhere with an abundance of editorial design opportunities.


I’ve been told about the importance of networking and am committed to participating in different events to begin engaging with fellow artists and designers. I want to immersive myself in the artistic world and discover and meet other creators who can offer inspiration and possibly different opportunities. While I understand the significance of networking for career growth, I also cherish the opportunity to contribute to the creative community. Sharing insights, offering support, and collaborating with others are some of the values I find important. In essence, networking isn’t solely about advancing my career; it’s about embracing the creative world with open arms, ready to learn, share, and connect with fellow artists and designers. These interactions, I believe, will be the catalyst for my personal and professional growth, 


A core element of my plans is my commitment to continuous learning and skill development.After graduation I want to actively participate in workshops and enroll in online courses. I’m eager to expand my skill set into areas like motion design and frontend development. Motion design would add an exciting element to my skill set, allowing me to create captivating animations and interactive visuals. Frontend development expertise, on the other hand, ensures I can bring my web design projects to life seamlessly. These skills not only enhance my versatility but also make me a more well-rounded designer.


From Aspiring Graphic Designer to Creative Industry Visionary


As a graphic design student I often ponder of how I will turn my creative talents into a fulfilling and dynamic career. With my eyes set on the horizon, I’ve outlined a set of long-term goals that encapsulate my dreams in the world of graphic design and beyond.


My first of many goals is to land a position at an agency, publisher, or publication to work as a editorial designer. Working in these types environments will expose me to diverse projects and allow me to refine my skills while gaining hands-on experience. I am excited to immerse myself in the world of editorial design s a kid who grew up loving books and who later started appreciating not only the written content but also how it was created. A position in an art gallery or museum would also be welcomed as I’d love to do exhibition design as well.


I envision obtaining a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification to gradually transition into project management and art direction within the creative industries within 5 years of graduating. This shift will enable me to take on more significant roles, where I can guide and shape creative projects from conception to execution.


I also aspire to open a co-working space tailored specifically to the needs of creative professionals. This space will serve as a haven for designers, writers, artists, and other creative minds. I want it to be a place that encourages innovation as well as providing different types of relevant services for creatives such as workshops. It will be a hub for networking, brainstorming, and hopefully a place where individuals can produce groundbreaking work.


To reach these lofty goals, I understand that dedication, hard work, and continuous learning are essential. Staying updated on industry trends, mastering design tools, and consistently challenging myself to think outside the box will be my daily mantra. Besides these main points there’s a myriad of different areas I’d love to explore and in reality I truly don’t know for sure where my path will lead. I do know however that I’m  committed to building a career that not only fulfills my creative aspirations but also contributes to the world of arts,culture and design. In the future I Look forward to transforming my dreams into reality, creating impactful, visually stunning content, and nurturing a space for creative minds to flourish. 


A Casual Evening With The GWD Graduating Class

Big news: the graphic and web design grads from John Abbott College are throwing a little event to wrap up our three-year design adventure, and you’re all invited! It’s happening April 10th, from 5 to 7 PM. We’re going to have some good vibes and great conversations.

We’ve been on this wild ride of creativity and late nights. Now, we’re ready to show off what we’ve been up to. This vernissage is our moment to shine and share our projects with you. This isn’t your typical gallery walk. It’s more like hanging out with a bunch of friends who just so happen to be super into design. We’re all about sharing our journey, our growth, and yeah, our blood, sweat, and tears (okay, maybe not literally the last part).

So, whether you’re into art, looking to network with some fresh talent, or just in the mood for a chill evening surrounded by creativity, come on down. Everyone’s welcome! We’re stepping out into the real world, and we’d love to kick it off with you by our side.

Catch you at John Abbott College on April 10th in the evening. Let’s make it a night to remember! Cheers to new beginnings and to what’s yet to come!